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Womens Clinics in Louis Trichardt

Pretoria Abortions Clinic Womens Clinics in Louis Trichardt +27127527398

Pretoria womens clinic, is one of the most preferred womens clinics around and trusted.
Are you pregnant and you want to terminate that pregnancy?

Are u afraid of surgery and the effects after it brings to your body? Worry not, at Pretoria womens clinic, we provide you with the best services and care in this regard.

Our goals, is to make your choices in life as far as pregnancy termination is concerned. At Pretoria women’s clinic, it’s private, convenient, and safe and stress free

Termination Pill cause contractions of the womb. As a consequence, the womb expels the pregnancy. A woman can get painful cramps, vaginal blood loss that is more than a normal menstruation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. This normal. So don’t be stressed due to those symptoms.

The experience of termination pill is similar to a natural spontaneous miscarriage. Miscarriage happens spontaneously in 15-20% of all pregnancies. It is NOT as serious issue health-wise.

If there is a complication:

The treatment of complications is the same as those of a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). At Pretoria women’s clinics, we provide the client, with all the necessary medication. So worry not. Just contact us as soon as you can. We shall respond to you immediately and help you.

Before taking termination decision

Make sure that you are pregnant. Do a pregnancy test.

Do not take termination Pills if you are:

1. seriously ill.

2. If you have severe anaemia.

3. Do not use alcohol or drugs during the treatment!!! The woman must be able to pay close attention to what is happening in her body. If the cramps are very painful, she can use Ibuprofen, or a hot water bottle or heating pad, but never alcohol or drugs.

4. Termination pill should not be used when there is a possibility of an ectopic (or extra-uterine) pregnancy.

5. Termination should not be used if the woman has an intra uterine device (IUD).

6. Termination should never be used if the woman is allergic to it or any other prostaglandin. This is a rare condition, which a woman will be aware of if she has used these medicines and had such a reaction before. If she has never used the medicine before, she cannot have experienced an allergic reaction

Stress less, call or WhatsApp for appointment

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