Women’s Clinic in Pretoria
Welcome to Women’s clinic in Pretoria, our abortion Clinic is a Safe women’s health clinic to help you end an early pregnancy by using Medicine.
You must be at least 18 years of age to receive a Medical Abortion.
You’ll meet with the Doctor and then take the first pill in the office.
Within 2-3 hours you will use the second pills at home. The combination of the two medicines will cause miscarriage and in most cases end the Pregnancy within a few hours of using the second Medicine At Home.
Women’s Clinic Goal & Abortion Prices in South Africa
Our goal at women’s clinic in Pretoria, has always been to care for women’s physical and emotional well-being.
In our women’s health clinic women receive safe abortion procedures in a compassionate setting.
That explains why so many women who have used our services bring their loved ones to our clinic if they need help.
Our Goal Before your appointment: You may eat a light snack such as toast, muffin, bagel or fruit.
You may also have coffee, juice, milk, or water. Shower or bathe as usual. Dress comfortably in a 2-piece outfit, bring socks and/or sweater.
Please take your routine daily medications (blood pressure, thyroid) as prescribed.
Women’s Clinic in Pretoria, Most Common Pregnancy Side Effects
The most common side effects are nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
A woman can also have some fever. These are generally less severe if Misoprostol is used vaginal Termination of Pregnancy.
Termination of Pregnancy at Women’s Clinic in Pretoria, Johannesburg
After you have booked an appointment either by sending an email or calling us, we shall give a date and time when you must come for the termination of pregnancy.
On your arrival at the clinic counselling will be provided should you need to know more about abortions, its side effects and how to care for yourself after the termination procedure.
If you have not performed a pregnancy test we shall perform one.
After confirming the duration of the pregnancy you will have an option of choosing either a medical or surgical abortion.